The Harveytoons Show is a television series presenting theatrical animated cartoons produced from October 1950 until March 1962 and produced by Famous Studios, featuring Harvey Comics characters and series including: Little Audrey, Casper the Friendly Ghost, Tommy Tortoise and Moe Hare, Baby Huey, Herman and Katnip, and Modern Madcaps. The Film Roman version of Richie Rich has also been featured on the final season of The Harveytoons Show. The show itself contained three full cartoons and one "ToonTake", an abbreviated cartoon. Jerry Beck was the show consultant.
In 2006, Classic Media released 52 of the 78 episodes produced on a four-disc DVD set titled Harvey Toons - The Complete Collection. The set is not actually complete, as most of the cartoons are missing credits and end titles. Forty-two cartoons are only in the show as "ToonTakes", 16 shorts were left off the set entirely, and the last season of the show was not included in the set.[1]
Contents |
This is a complete episode guide for the Harvey Comics animation anthology series The Harveytoons Show. The show comprised Famous Studios-produced cartoons from October 1950 to March 1962. There were 223 theatrical cartoons released during that period, and only 165 cartoons were included in their full format, although the original theatrical titles were changed when Harvey assumed ownership from Famous. The remainder of the 58 cartoons were either only included as fragments or not included. Jerry Beck later explained that the trimming of some cartoons was only done to help each episode fit the half-hour format, and some were excluded from the show either from oversight or because the content of those cartoons could be considered un-PC.
All original television-produced shorts on the show were either from later TV cartoons featuring Casper and the Film Roman version of Richie Rich, and those were mostly featured in the final two seasons of The Harveytoons Show.
Each episode included three full cartoons and one "ToonTake" segment.
The following is list of Famous Studio shorts that are part of the Harveytoon library and which were only included as fragments on the show:
This is list of theatrical Harvey-owned Famous Studio shorts that were not included on the show:
In 2006, Classic Media released 52 of the show's 78 episodes on a four-disc DVD set titled Harvey Toons - The Complete Collection. The set received mixed reviews from animation fans, and the show's consultant, Jerry Beck, said Classic Media didn't consult with him on making this DVD release. He stated that he wouldn't have included the show's formatting of those cartoons, but did applaud Classic Media for the very good picture quality of the included shorts and for the set's low price tag, considering the high number of cartoons in the set.[3][4]
The following should be helpful in finding which episode is on the eight disc sides, as there are no information given inside the DVD case. Note that seasons 5 and 6 are not included as they didn't contain classic shorts.
Episodes map to disc and title numbers as follows:
Apart from the "ToonTakes", only two original cartoons from Famous were censored on the show. Those were "Drinks on the Mouse" and "Audrey The Rainmaker."